Friday, 6 September 2013

McLean Book Arts Launch

Today is the big day for McLean Book Arts (MBA). Champagne is chilling in the fridge and a dinner reservation has been made. We are going to combine 2 celebrations, the launch and our 13th wedding anniversary (13 is a good number and it will be our best year yet).

Today the website goes live along with the Etsy shop. I'm putting a few notebooks on today and then there will be 2 or 3 notebooks added per week and after that, as I make them. Nettie has kindly offered to display some brochures at H.W. McLean engravers in Paisley (big hugs) and my hairdresser Lia at Moda in Leith has kindly offered to take some of my flyers (also big hugs). Also a big thank you to friends who have offered to take some flyers/brochures and thank you so much for the beautiful flowers sweetie.

Talk soon

Love & hugs

P.S. Big thank you to Nettie & Hamish (MiL/FiL) for the beautiful flowers, very much appreciated. xxx

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