My new website will be launching soon with many thanks to Marco Argentina. The current site was a quick pop-up done in one night, just to get me to the business launch date. Marco has taken the things I like about the site & blog and made a new template for me. It's brilliant. Websites must be able to evolve as the business grows, so this is version 2. A tutor recently said that eventually you don't even know the version number. As I'm quite a restless person, it won't be too long until I reach this point.
Went to Pitman Training today to sign up for a business social media course, I'm getting it on an ILA account, which is great. Didn't realise there was an exam at the end of it. I can do the course online at home, it will take 6 hours I think and I have a month to do it. Sounds good.
BTW. I've sold some books, so I'm a happy puppy.
Talk soon
Love & hugs
Angela xxx