Thursday, 20 June 2013

New Book Finished

I got the first book of the new venture finished today. It's called "Honey Bee". It has been completed with Coptic stitch binding and is ready for it's close up. I have decided to wait until I get a few more books done before I take some photos though and wait until I get good natural light coming in.

I started on the second book "Bubbles" a couple of days ago. The bubbles are finished, paper is folded, just need to get the cover done now. I've learned a great deal doing the first book, it has been an interesting experience.

I'm going to start adding photos to the posts soon, some to older posts too, to brighten them up and make them a bit more interesting. I'm really quite tired, so it won't be today, but I'll schedule something in for next week. I was supposed to be doing some voluntary work today, but the lady that I befriend cancelled, so I'm glad I can get a rest. I met my friend last night, had a wonderful time catching up.

talk soon

love & hugs


Unfortunately, Bubbles isn't working out as planned. Oh well, onto the next idea.

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